HALO demonstration: call for end users!
The HALO project has passed the halfway point and has already entered the demonstration phase.
The consortium has decided to use real industrial applications to test the HALO adjustable laser technology on representative commercial operations.
We will be contacting several organisations that have made both suggestions for testing and offers to supply parts for the demonstration.
However, we would like to hear about any potential applications for novel industrial lasers, especially steel and glass cutting.
If you would like to be involved, please contact Bruce Napier (bruce@vividcomponents.co.uk)
Framework 7
HALO is supported by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)
HALO Consortium Site
Consortium members can access the private area of this site by clicking here. If you do not have an account for this site, please contact Dr Bruce Napier at bruce@vividcomponents.co.uk.