HALO had a strong presence at the International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics (ICALEO) in San Diego last week.  For over thirty years, this large congress event has enabled researchers and end-users to meet and review the state-of-the art in laser materials processing and predict where the future will lead. 

Two HALO important papers were presented:

“Differences in cutting efficiency between CO2 and fiber lasers when cutting mild and stainless steels,” covered work from LTU, Laser Expertise and Fraunhofer ILT.

“Laser Microjet© cutting of up to 3 mm thick sapphire,” described details of the Synova technology which has been extended to new materials.


If you have any questions on the HALO project, please get in touch: bruce@vividcomponents.co.uk

Weblink: ICALEO 2014 https://www.lia.org/conferences/icaleo


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